
Conversely, we DO need to talk extensively about being poor.

We need to acknowledge that we are indeed poor. We need to meticulously examine the rules of a system that is not only rigged, but specifically designed to keep us in poverty. Once we have understood that our poverty and debts have been forced on us despite our long shifts, once we have acknowledged that our poverty is the very foundation of the obscenest wealth in the 1% of the population, once we have realised that we have been abused, deceived and aliened, then we can talk about levelling up and redistribution of wealth.

We need to acknowledge that we are indeed poor. We need to meticulously examine the rules of a system that is not only rigged, but specifically designed to keep us in poverty. Once we have understood that our poverty and debts have been forced on us despite our long shifts, once we have acknowledged that our poverty is the very foundation of the obscenest wealth in the 1% of the population, once we have realised that we have been abused, deceived and aliened, then we can talk about levelling up and redistribution of wealth.

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