
Convince me to leave my POS job! Can’t stand it anymore.

I’m seriously considering putting my notice at the end of this month. Not only am I extremely undervalued, but they also don’t let me make any decision whatsoever. Now it’s important to say that I’m not the type of employee that fucks up frequently, if I were they wouldn’t have “promoted” me. And I say “promoted” because they formally offered me a key account management position, however I just heard yesterday that I might not get the promotion, as in my title won’t change, but my activities will. They said they’re negotiating with HR a raise, but that it might not be what I expect. This is ridiculous, my $$ is already way below market, and now they won’t even pay me properly for a KAM position?! Now the catch: I recently purchased a house, I’m paying for it, but if I quit there are no guarantees I’ll find another…

I’m seriously considering putting my notice at the end of this month. Not only am I extremely undervalued, but they also don’t let me make any decision whatsoever. Now it’s important to say that I’m not the type of employee that fucks up frequently, if I were they wouldn’t have “promoted” me. And I say “promoted” because they formally offered me a key account management position, however I just heard yesterday that I might not get the promotion, as in my title won’t change, but my activities will. They said they’re negotiating with HR a raise, but that it might not be what I expect.
This is ridiculous, my $$ is already way below market, and now they won’t even pay me properly for a KAM position?!

Now the catch: I recently purchased a house, I’m paying for it, but if I quit there are no guarantees I’ll find another job soon… could be 1 month, could be 1 year…

I think it’s also worth noting that my mental health hasn’t been the best, I’m feeling extremely anxious, have insomnia every night and work thoughts consume my days. I just feel like this company is being dishonest with me, especially after I worked so hard, overtime, weekends, covered for my boss twice while she stayed away on maternity leave (5 months each). Just this past week I was covering for 2 people+the job I get paid for. It’s taking a toll on me.

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