
convinced a guy to quit his job to come join my company.

First, Im gonna come off as a royal a-hole, and possibly a Kyle, but I hate bad management. I've been going to the same gamestop for years, and since the opening back up after the pandemic I noticed a new employee. He's my age, and very quick with knowledge and can chat up about anything gaming related from our childhood. We ended up on friendly terms and talk every time I stop in (about once every 2 weeks or so). Now since the pandemic, my entertainment spending has gone up and since me, my wife and 2 kids are gamers I end up buying games fairly regularly, that's why I'm at gamestop so often. About 2 months ago I was stopping in to do a return with some nintendo switch controllers, to which I was going to be mailed replacements. No biggie, its been done before. Transaction was done and…

First, Im gonna come off as a royal a-hole, and possibly a Kyle, but I hate bad management.

I've been going to the same gamestop for years, and since the opening back up after the pandemic I noticed a new employee. He's my age, and very quick with knowledge and can chat up about anything gaming related from our childhood. We ended up on friendly terms and talk every time I stop in (about once every 2 weeks or so). Now since the pandemic, my entertainment spending has gone up and since me, my wife and 2 kids are gamers I end up buying games fairly regularly, that's why I'm at gamestop so often.

About 2 months ago I was stopping in to do a return with some nintendo switch controllers, to which I was going to be mailed replacements. No biggie, its been done before. Transaction was done and we ended up chatting for a bit. Someone walks through the front door looking pissed off, doesn't make any eye contact and just walks into the back room. I look at him and ask “who the hell is that” he says “district manager. Tread carefully” Now my first thought is, why do I have to tread carefully, and why would anyone be that angry managing a gamestop?

Without thinking I just keep chatting with my friend. 20 minutes later the manager comes out, starts going through stacks of games behind the counter, and yells at my friend about not having finished something. Then the manager looks at me and in an annoyed voice asks me if I'm gonna buy something, and if not to leave his employee alone.

Now, in my industry (casino) we dont talk like that to a customer, period. So as you can imagine I was pissed to be talked to like this, especially since I drop a few hundred a month on average here. So in my calmest voice I ask my friend. “How many pre-orders do I have right now?” He brings up my account, from memory and says, out loud “YOU HAVE 4 PREORDERS, PAID IN FULL” I said “cool. I'll take a refund please”

At this point the manager is asking me why I want a refund. I simply reply “I don't like your tone, I don't like people yelling at my friends, and I don't like overbearing managers that yell at paying customers” he tries to backtrack claiming they have an issue with loiterers, and he didn't realize I was a paying customer (probably because I dress like I dont really care). But, too late, my friend was already processing everything. At some point while I'm waiting, it hits me. My job is doing a career fair and my department is hiring. I ask for a pen and paper, write my full name, phone number, and the name of my casino and hand it to my friend. “Can you pass a background check?” He takes it, confusingly nods yes, and hands me the money and recipt from my refund. “My job is hiring. It's more money and you won't have to work for this jackoff anymore. Text me when you want to leave this dump.” I walk out without another word. Manager doesn't say anything.

A got a text the next day asking about what jobs he could get. I told him what to apply for, what to expect in pay. more than triple what he was getting at gamestop. He said he would look into it, and thanked me for putting his boss in check. Said he was very quiet the rest of the day.

3 weeks ago I got a call from work about someone using me as a reference. I gave glowing reviews. He was hired. He starts tomorrow.

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