
Corpo Lessons Learned

Some things I have learned in the corpo life: Corporate absolutely values metrics over people. People are a means to an end, that end is maximizing profit. Any time a company introduces a value such as “people first”, “work-life balanced”, or “employee focused”, that company has made an argument to its executive board that “less is more” and that automation or consolidation of their FTEs is essential for non-exempt (hourly) workers. All of your bosses are being incentivized to keep you in positions of silence. Supervisory roles are designed to create emotional distance between your experiences and the decisions that lead to greater profits. The business managers and low level executives are being intentionally insulated from contact with you. Fiduciary Responsibility, a legal requirement for executives, demands that if the executive team can make the owner/shareholder/firm more profit, they must do so or face legal action. This includes minimizing pay…

Some things I have learned in the corpo life:

  • Corporate absolutely values metrics over people. People are a means to an end, that end is maximizing profit.

  • Any time a company introduces a value such as “people first”, “work-life balanced”, or “employee focused”, that company has made an argument to its executive board that “less is more” and that automation or consolidation of their FTEs is essential for non-exempt (hourly) workers.

  • All of your bosses are being incentivized to keep you in positions of silence. Supervisory roles are designed to create emotional distance between your experiences and the decisions that lead to greater profits. The business managers and low level executives are being intentionally insulated from contact with you.

  • Fiduciary Responsibility, a legal requirement for executives, demands that if the executive team can make the owner/shareholder/firm more profit, they must do so or face legal action. This includes minimizing pay to hourly workers.

  • Your performance is actively considered as part of your immediate supervisor's performance. There is no incentive for your immediate bosses to consider your wellbeing. The incentive for hourly worker's supervisor is that they can climb over your corpses and eventually get away from the day to day frustrations around your metric numbers.

  • Go on glassdoor and report not only your pay, but also the conditions in which you work. The trick is to report holistically, report the good as well as the bad. If you get vaca, report it. Sick time? Report it. It will be more damaging to the company if you cant be written off as being an angry/bitter ex-employee.

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