
Corporate America Runs on Bullshit Means of Operation

Truly what the title says. We work to scramble for our next paychecks, overworking to ensure we are successful enough within companies just to get by, and not get fired, and even then we’re met with unreal expectations from management. After all is said and done, we still get the shit end of the stick when we aren’t willing to sacrifice and expend all of our abilities and recourses until we’re depleted, and inevitably get fired for the most menial of issues that can be conjured. Even then— it’s back to the drawing board to do it all again. 🤡

Truly what the title says.

We work to scramble for our next paychecks, overworking to ensure we are successful enough within companies just to get by, and not get fired, and even then we’re met with unreal expectations from management.

After all is said and done, we still get the shit end of the stick when we aren’t willing to sacrifice and expend all of our abilities and recourses until we’re depleted, and inevitably get fired for the most menial of issues that can be conjured.

Even then— it’s back to the drawing board to do it all again. 🤡

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