
Corporate implemented a 40 hour max work week (no overtime time)….for our cemetery…

Lol no one is allowed to pull overtime anymore. This is going to be really fun to watch….oh you want to borrow someone from another department to fill in for the sick receptionist on Saturday? Sorry…no over time. You want the grave diggers to be snow removal too? Sorry…no over time. You want to make sure aunt sally is buried tomorrow even though you just gave me paperwork five minutes ago….well 2 feet have been dug but it’s 5pm and I’m off the clock ad you said no over time….oh the other cemetery doesn’t have the staff to dig a grave today? Sorry…no over time….yeah this is about to get really really really messy

Lol no one is allowed to pull overtime anymore. This is going to be really fun to watch….oh you want to borrow someone from another department to fill in for the sick receptionist on Saturday? Sorry…no over time. You want the grave diggers to be snow removal too? Sorry…no over time. You want to make sure aunt sally is buried tomorrow even though you just gave me paperwork five minutes ago….well 2 feet have been dug but it’s 5pm and I’m off the clock ad you said no over time….oh the other cemetery doesn’t have the staff to dig a grave today? Sorry…no over time….yeah this is about to get really really really messy

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