
Corporations are basically tyrannies. If we compare them to political systems, that’s exactly how they are: top-down rule, the little guy has little to no say — obey, or else! How do we democratize them?

It seems to me that unions don't go far enough. It's like forming guilds with the power to petition the king. Democratizing the workplace should be the same as democratizing the government — let people vote in their leaders; then, the leaders represent the people. Or even have direct democracy — let the workers vote on policy. Anyone have any ideas on this? How do we achieve a truly democratic workplace?

It seems to me that unions don't go far enough. It's like forming guilds with the power to petition the king. Democratizing the workplace should be the same as democratizing the government — let people vote in their leaders; then, the leaders represent the people. Or even have direct democracy — let the workers vote on policy.

Anyone have any ideas on this? How do we achieve a truly democratic workplace?

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