
Cost Cutting Strategies

Do you guys know, the outsourcing plague was started by USofA criminal corporates and the entire world (dunno about Europe) corp lords lapped it up. Those decent corps of third world countries followed the path for no sane reason, firing staff in masses and the same people joined from third company on contract for half the pay and no benefits. Then came cancelling annual events, programs, parties, development courses, hitting the head of career growth programs internally decimating the final step of progress. As if that wasn't enough profit growth fetish, they moved towards not hiring replacements and loading up the pile on existing staff. It didn't stop there. Pandemic pulled out another weapon of reducing salaries of existing staff knowing well there were no hiring in the market due to lockdowns. Meanwhile inducing the advancement of technology in past 2 decades naturally propelled the profits of the corps with…

Do you guys know, the outsourcing plague was started by USofA criminal corporates and the entire world (dunno about Europe) corp lords lapped it up. Those decent corps of third world countries followed the path for no sane reason, firing staff in masses and the same people joined from third company on contract for half the pay and no benefits.

Then came cancelling annual events, programs, parties, development courses, hitting the head of career growth programs internally decimating the final step of progress.

As if that wasn't enough profit growth fetish, they moved towards not hiring replacements and loading up the pile on existing staff.

It didn't stop there. Pandemic pulled out another weapon of reducing salaries of existing staff knowing well there were no hiring in the market due to lockdowns.

Meanwhile inducing the advancement of technology in past 2 decades naturally propelled the profits of the corps with least efforts and no breakthrough ideas.

The existing market leaders follow only one trend. Increase profit YOY with no plan for long term growth. That's all the boomers share holders demand. No wonder so many promising companies go bust and the C-suites fly away in golden parachutes.

There was a company who used to provide upto laundry services, buffet lunches, biannual vacation and flight allowances, family benefits, annual events at 5 star for staff and their families even for blue collared staff. Now they make executive staff use their own cars to commute.

The world follows US work culture. All I hear in the market is how much staff can be reduced to cut the cost and expenses from last year.

To US employees – Pull up your socks and take down the giants. The seismic effect will be felt all over the world and others can breathe fresh air along with you.

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