
Could anyone help me fake some references?

Yes, I know it's sleezey…but I feel stuck. I've lived isolated from society since I was about eleven years old. I dropped in and out of middle and high school until finally giving up at 19. Now I'm 25 and need to pay the bills but my resume is embarrassingly bad. It's just a big empty page with my education and six standard soft skills like “Interpersonal Communication” and “Attention to Detail” on it, because that's legitimately the best I could think of. I don't have formal training of any kind, no community (church, gatherings, volunteering, etc), no friends, don't even know my freaking neighbors, no work experience…nothing. But I need a job ASAP, and I've been ignored (by entry-level positions) for a few months now. I thought that if I tacked on some references then at the very least the lack of experience despite being 25 might be a…

Yes, I know it's sleezey…but I feel stuck. I've lived isolated from society since I was about eleven years old. I dropped in and out of middle and high school until finally giving up at 19. Now I'm 25 and need to pay the bills but my resume is embarrassingly bad. It's just a big empty page with my education and six standard soft skills like “Interpersonal Communication” and “Attention to Detail” on it, because that's legitimately the best I could think of. I don't have formal training of any kind, no community (church, gatherings, volunteering, etc), no friends, don't even know my freaking neighbors, no work experience…nothing.

But I need a job ASAP, and I've been ignored (by entry-level positions) for a few months now. I thought that if I tacked on some references then at the very least the lack of experience despite being 25 might be a little less jarring for a recruiter and might bring me a little more luck.

Does anyone have any wise words of wisdom, or would be willing to be a reference for me?

P.S. throwaway account because I'm ashamed

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