
Could I get some recommendations?

I have been working at this grocery store since I turned 16. I am now 24. I started after my freshman year of high school and I worked under my dad's friend from his high school days. He was a great boss. Trained me well, always understood when things came up, I had his number and I felt comfortable just kind of letting him know what was up, etc. I went to college switched to another store of the same company didn't like it there asked the manager I had at the time if he could switch me over. He didn't when I went back that summer to the store at home had to reply. That's fine still got the same job and everything. Because of covid I am basically the assistant manager to my manager but am part time and paid like it. Covid gave me good incentive to…

I have been working at this grocery store since I turned 16. I am now 24. I started after my freshman year of high school and I worked under my dad's friend from his high school days. He was a great boss. Trained me well, always understood when things came up, I had his number and I felt comfortable just kind of letting him know what was up, etc. I went to college switched to another store of the same company didn't like it there asked the manager I had at the time if he could switch me over. He didn't when I went back that summer to the store at home had to reply. That's fine still got the same job and everything. Because of covid I am basically the assistant manager to my manager but am part time and paid like it. Covid gave me good incentive to go back home from college so I did and I just went to work and did online class after. I'm alright with that and then upper management in the store asks me if I wanted to become full time assistant manager of the store basically run the store but get paid a bit better. (16/hr) I said I'll try it out. So January beginning of this year I became a service manager and hours aren't great but I was getting what I needed off. I have DND games Saturday afternoon into night sometimes and Monday night. I have had these arrangements since freshman year of college. I barely get any training in new position and after 6 months 2-3 people left making me the only person that even semi knows how to run the back. I am now being scheduled only nights which I wouldn't really mind but I am often scheduled right over my games. I have mentioned it multiple times that I have plans Saturday and Mondays but it seems to hold no avail. My girlfriend wanted me to do a volleyball league on Sunday afternoons and I could show up late to that if I got the mid shift but when I asked hey I need to not close Saturday Sunday Monday and I can't mid shift Saturday I was told that is not fair even though there is a full time lady that only works mornings and 2 part time assistant managers that work nights after their actual job and only work the front.
[ Schedule goes 7-3 is morning shift up front on registers
[10-6 is midday and is in the back and stocks, covers up fronts break, and a couple other things
[ There are two 3-11 one is in back and one is up front.

I think I should be able to have a work-life balance and even when I sign up for the company picnic they schedule me over it and then when I'm like hey can you put my name in the picnic drawing I'm told no you have to be there. How am I supposed to be there if you purposely schedule me over it?

Am I over reacting or am I asking for too much? Like I loved it when I was just in a department. I have been applying to a bunch of jobs but they all reply that either they have too many applicants that I don't get an interview or they don't respond. Like I'm kind of at my wits end.

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