
Could this system just collapse allready?

I am tired. I work and work and work and all I can do is barely keeping my standard of living – which consists of renting a small appartment. Home ownership or a family are out of the question. Retirement is out of the question. This wish may be egoistic towards people who have a nice life – but at least we would all have nothing when it falls. And fall it will because it is unsustainable – So lets just be done with it so that we can rebuild better. The rich pigs dont lift a finger and get Millions – while Billions of hard working people work their ass off and have nothing. Sorry that I despise such a world and want it to collapse.

I am tired. I work and work and work and all I can do is barely keeping my standard of living – which consists of renting a small appartment. Home ownership or a family are out of the question. Retirement is out of the question.

This wish may be egoistic towards people who have a nice life – but at least we would all have nothing when it falls. And fall it will because it is unsustainable – So lets just be done with it so that we can rebuild better. The rich pigs dont lift a finger and get Millions – while Billions of hard working people work their ass off and have nothing.

Sorry that I despise such a world and want it to collapse.

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