
Couldn’t get a raise, hiring 2 new people to do my old job.

I work a unique role for a healthcare system. I work 1/2 in clinic and 1/2 as an outreach provider. Have been essentially begging for a raise since I started there 3.5 years ago. I was fresh out of school and didn’t realize how little I was making compared to the state average for my credentials. Needless to say that raise never really came. I have gone up 30 cents since I started, working through the pandemic the entire time. I brought up how short I was compared to the state average at my last review and they pretty much said the system has a set limit of up to 1% per year based on performance. (Gave me the whole “we don’t give 5/5’s for grades and we have a set number of 4/5’s that we can give” bs) Overall the payroll and HR is a nightmare the they go…

I work a unique role for a healthcare system. I work 1/2 in clinic and 1/2 as an outreach provider. Have been essentially begging for a raise since I started there 3.5 years ago. I was fresh out of school and didn’t realize how little I was making compared to the state average for my credentials. Needless to say that raise never really came. I have gone up 30 cents since I started, working through the pandemic the entire time. I brought up how short I was compared to the state average at my last review and they pretty much said the system has a set limit of up to 1% per year based on performance. (Gave me the whole “we don’t give 5/5’s for grades and we have a set number of 4/5’s that we can give” bs)

Overall the payroll and HR is a nightmare the they go through staff like crazy. They have illegally been withholding overtime pay for a long time. Took forever to figure out because the HR people I kept working with left. I finally got it ironed out but had to track my hours and pay myself.

To get to the point, I am leaving and they just posted my position(s). They now have to hire a 1.0 and .75 FTE as well as refer patients to other clinics for some of the specialty tasks I did.

I feel bad because the team I work with is awesome but being disrespected by the system and essentially telling me I was an average employee sent me over the edge. I guarantee it would have been cheaper to pay me what I’m worth versus having to pay 2 full time employees and all their benefits.

This whole thing makes me want to stay out of healthcare, good thing I spend 5 years getting this degree…

TL:DR: wouldn’t/couldn’t give me a raise and now has to hire 2 new people to cover my role.

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