
Covid-19 swabber given $12 pay cut

I work at a private healthcare center doing covid 19 swabs. We were recently told that our pay would be cut by 30%, essentially a 40% cut with inflation. This is after helping the company triple their profits over the last couple years while exposing ourselves to a deadly virus. I am angry beyond words and plan to take this story to local news outlets. A stark reminder that your company doesn't give 2 shits about you.

I work at a private healthcare center doing covid 19 swabs. We were recently told that our pay would be cut by 30%, essentially a 40% cut with inflation. This is after helping the company triple their profits over the last couple years while exposing ourselves to a deadly virus. I am angry beyond words and plan to take this story to local news outlets. A stark reminder that your company doesn't give 2 shits about you.

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