
coworker asked where I live and used it against me

My department has 3 team members, and my boss doesn't really manage us. He is at a different building because of his high position. He is nice. There's one coworker who has been with the organization for a long time. Then there's me and the snitch coworker who joined the past 4 months (I joined almost a month before she did). She's from the area, but I'm from out of state and just moved to the area. Our role is quality improvement, and we are salaried. Both of my coworkers are very familiar with where I live, and they both live across our workplace. My snitch coworker messaged me afterwork and asked where I live because her son is “searching” for new housing. I told her the complex, and she knew exactly where it is. It is 35 minutes away and next to where she used to work. She responded,…

My department has 3 team members, and my boss doesn't really manage us. He is at a different building because of his high position. He is nice. There's one coworker who has been with the organization for a long time. Then there's me and the snitch coworker who joined the past 4 months (I joined almost a month before she did). She's from the area, but I'm from out of state and just moved to the area. Our role is quality improvement, and we are salaried. Both of my coworkers are very familiar with where I live, and they both live across our workplace. My snitch coworker messaged me afterwork and asked where I live because her son is “searching” for new housing. I told her the complex, and she knew exactly where it is. It is 35 minutes away and next to where she used to work. She responded, “Omg, I used to work there. It is only 35 mins away.” Then 3 weeks later, I heard that her son is closing his housing. This indicates that he must already bought a house because it takes a while to buy a home, especially during this time. I am salaried, and I tend to come to work 10 minutes late after 8am everyday, but I usually stay longer. My coworker went to “inform” to my boss that I am a nice person who is always very late. She is giggling, so I am not sure if he see through. Then he called me for a meeting and asked why I am always so late when I only live 35 mins away. I knew it was my coworker and told my boss to check my time card. We are not required to clock in or out, but I do it because I knew there would be snitches out there. My time card shows that I usually stay up until 7pm, so my boss stopped asking me now. I'm just mad that this coworker would try to get me fired.

The thing is that the snitch coworker has been a nurse for over 20 years but just barely got her current position, which I am in my early 20s and already hold the same position. In fact, I know more about the role than she does. My friends in this field are telling me that this coworker is threatened by me since I am so young but doing better than her. I'm not sure. I just think she's a horrible person since I have always been nice to her. I even trained her.

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