
CoWorker Contacting me About work while on Medical Leave

I'm a store manager and currently out of Medical Leave after having covid related complications. Another manager messaged me today asking when I'll be back to work. I know I'm not supposed to be contacted by work until I'm back, but I'm sort of friends with the guy, hung out outside of work a few times type of deal. Is he allowed to be asking me that and do you think he's asking in good faith as a friend, or as basically the Assistant to the Regional Manager?

I'm a store manager and currently out of Medical Leave after having covid related complications. Another manager messaged me today asking when I'll be back to work. I know I'm not supposed to be contacted by work until I'm back, but I'm sort of friends with the guy, hung out outside of work a few times type of deal. Is he allowed to be asking me that and do you think he's asking in good faith as a friend, or as basically the Assistant to the Regional Manager?

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