
coworker freaked out on me for a joke

i don’t need advice on what to do, just wanna share what happened. The below is an excerpt from the text i sent to my boss about it. Some woman called in a huge order for Thursday that she wanted to be frozen, and she wanted everything individually wrapped. [Coworker] took the order and brought it back to me before he left and asked if I could do it before I left for the night, and I was joking around saying that I wouldn’t because it was a huge, tedious order (in my opinion it was obvious I was joking. maybe it wasn’t clear to him though). Well, he got really angry out of nowhere, slammed his hand on the counter, threw the order at the wall, screamed at me “f*ck it, i’m god damn out of here” and stormed off. I laughed at first because i thought he was…

i don’t need advice on what to do, just wanna share what happened.

The below is an excerpt from the text i sent to my boss about it.

Some woman called in a huge order for Thursday that she wanted to be frozen, and she wanted everything individually wrapped. [Coworker] took the order and brought it back to me before he left and asked if I could do it before I left for the night, and I was joking around saying that I wouldn’t because it was a huge, tedious order (in my opinion it was obvious I was joking. maybe it wasn’t clear to him though). Well, he got really angry out of nowhere, slammed his hand on the counter, threw the order at the wall, screamed at me “f*ck it, i’m god damn out of here” and stormed off. I laughed at first because i thought he was being dramatic, but he made it clear that he was serious. I was alarmed to say the least, as [Coworker] isn’t known to raise his voice OR swear, but I wouldn’t lie about this. It honestly shook me up a lot and it took a while for me to calm down after that. I don’t know if anything is going on behind the scenes that I don’t know about, but his behavior made me feel unsafe and I’m not going to pretend like it didn’t happen when he comes back to work on Thursday.

I feel it’s worth noting that this specific coworker is the owner’s brother. Also: this is a small, family owned business with less than 100 employees all told, from production to packaging to retail. There is no HR department separate from the owner for me to report this behavior to. There is no “complaint” system, I can’t “file” anything. A text and a conversation is as advanced as conflict resolution gets around here.

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