
Coworker got dinged on attendance for using PTO

I live in a state where it is now required that we earn 1 hour of PTO per 40 hours of work. Our work can (one place I worked did) give us more, but they cannot give us less. It is specified in the law that it can be used at our discretion, within the law, and an employer cannot pursue disciplinary action, as long as it is covered by the law. The law includes mental and physical health, doctors appointments, caring for spouses or family members (any member), if schools are closed and we have children that need care, or in domestic violence cases. In addition my employer has a policy that we can use it without giving a reason and they treat it as personal time under the mandatory law. However, our location has just started bringing back reviews. One of our longer employees just got his back…

I live in a state where it is now required that we earn 1 hour of PTO per 40 hours of work. Our work can (one place I worked did) give us more, but they cannot give us less.

It is specified in the law that it can be used at our discretion, within the law, and an employer cannot pursue disciplinary action, as long as it is covered by the law. The law includes mental and physical health, doctors appointments, caring for spouses or family members (any member), if schools are closed and we have children that need care, or in domestic violence cases. In addition my employer has a policy that we can use it without giving a reason and they treat it as personal time under the mandatory law.

However, our location has just started bringing back reviews. One of our longer employees just got his back and received a 2/5 for attendance. The stated reason is that he uses “too much PTO.” Dude had over 60 hours earned (only 40 roll over each year per the law), and in May still has much of that left. We have yet to see if this will impact anything, because the company has not told us what they plan on doing with said reviews. We dont get raises outside of 2% COL each year (per company policy). I've encouraged him to keep a copy of the review in case they do something else. But is there anything else I should advise him of?

For clarity, heres a link to the law

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