
coworker tried to destroy my belongings

Today i just had a coworker attempt to toss my artwork in the trash right in front of me in the midst of some tirade. And immediately afterwards i reported her to management. I have yet to see anything done about the situation even tho the HR lady assured me she would speak to the head of department. This coworker is known to have a reputation for being quite hostile and grouchy but i have never seen her do something this unhinged until now. And this isn’t even the first time I’ve had to report someone at this place i work at. It’s maddening. There’s just something about this place that produces the most bitter resentful people.

Today i just had a coworker attempt to toss my artwork in the trash right in front of me in the midst of some tirade. And immediately afterwards i reported her to management. I have yet to see anything done about the situation even tho the HR lady assured me she would speak to the head of department.
This coworker is known to have a reputation for being quite hostile and grouchy but i have never seen her do something this unhinged until now. And this isn’t even the first time I’ve had to report someone at this place i work at. It’s maddening. There’s just something about this place that produces the most bitter resentful people.

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