
Coworkers all have company messaging app on personal cell phones

Therefore they are ‘reachable’ any time. They will respond to inquiries and requests from my boss and other staff after hours from their phones even just to say “I’ll take care of this for you tomorrow!” I, on the other hand, refuse to install the app on my phone so I am only reachable during my working hours. Message sent to me after hours? I won’t even see it until the following morning while they have all already responded. And I feel like they get brownie points for this. Like they “really care about the business needs”. Why is it viewed as ‘less than’ to be accessible only during my working hours? I think some of them have it on their phones so when they step away from the computers during the day they can respond without interruption…smart I guess. But then log out of the app once your shift…

Therefore they are ‘reachable’ any time.

They will respond to inquiries and requests from my boss and other staff after hours from their phones even just to say “I’ll take care of this for you tomorrow!”

I, on the other hand, refuse to install the app on my phone so I am only reachable during my working hours. Message sent to me after hours? I won’t even see it until the following morning while they have all already responded.

And I feel like they get brownie points for this. Like they “really care about the business needs”.

Why is it viewed as ‘less than’ to be accessible only during my working hours?

I think some of them have it on their phones so when they step away from the computers during the day they can respond without interruption…smart I guess. But then log out of the app once your shift is over.

I can’t stand that always being “connected” is viewed as such a great thing while I look sub par for having firm work/life boundaries.

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