
Coworkers and management expect me to work after my two week notice is over.

A little context of what’s going on. My current workplace is severely understaffed, which leads to many of us becoming overwhelmed and stressed out. Management definitely makes the workplace a much more toxic environment, they are also very crackdown on making sure we don’t work overtime because they get paid a better bonus at the end of the month the less they have to pay us. They don’t expect you to have a social life due to ridiculous schedules and also “hiding hours” to get away with scheduling people even more than they’re cut down to. After only six months I cannot take the toll of being here any longer as I’m also a college student that has to focus on my own personal problems. Now as I’m looking at the last week of my schedule my two week notice is over in the middle of the week, but I…

A little context of what’s going on. My current workplace is severely understaffed, which leads to many of us becoming overwhelmed and stressed out. Management definitely makes the workplace a much more toxic environment, they are also very crackdown on making sure we don’t work overtime because they get paid a better bonus at the end of the month the less they have to pay us. They don’t expect you to have a social life due to ridiculous schedules and also “hiding hours” to get away with scheduling people even more than they’re cut down to. After only six months I cannot take the toll of being here any longer as I’m also a college student that has to focus on my own personal problems. Now as I’m looking at the last week of my schedule my two week notice is over in the middle of the week, but I am scheduled after my notice is over. Which doesn’t make any sense because I will no longer be with the company due to me leaving when I said I was going too. I discussed with a few coworkers saying that I don’t have to show up because I’m technically not even supposed to be there but I have management saying I’m scheduled and have to show up then they’ll let me go at the end of the week. Also a few coworkers are upset with me because I am leaving them with more work due to me not showing up for my “shifts.” I know I am in the right and will not be showing up for the rest of the week when my two week notice is over. And it is managements problem to get me covered.

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