
Coworkers are mean and I feel ostracised

I am currently during an internship at an agency , and started in June. At first I liked it , everyone seemed nice and that it was a chill environment. Fast forward to now it’s one of the most toxic work environments ever. It first started when another intern was going to end her internship and leave for studies, noticed i brought in a box of pastry’s for the whole office , then started to act really mean towards me. She decided to stay at the agency and do a work study thing where she only comes in twice a week. Another thing is I feel like my boss doesn’t like me, even though I work hard, always ask questions and never gossip about anyone and mind my own business, at first they would invite me to lunch and stuff but now they would deliberately ask everyone in the office…

I am currently during an internship at an agency , and started in June. At first I liked it , everyone seemed nice and that it was a chill environment. Fast forward to now it’s one of the most toxic work environments ever. It first started when another intern was going to end her internship and leave for studies, noticed i brought in a box of pastry’s for the whole office , then started to act really mean towards me. She decided to stay at the agency and do a work study thing where she only comes in twice a week. Another thing is I feel like my boss doesn’t like me, even though I work hard, always ask questions and never gossip about anyone and mind my own business, at first they would invite me to lunch and stuff but now they would deliberately ask everyone in the office except for me. I used to care and it hurt me a lot because I’ve been nothing but nice to them, but now I really don’t care and actually just get my work down and leave when it’s time to. Now I am cordial with them and joke around but I don’t want to be friends with them outside the office. Another thing I forgot to mention is that I work in Paris and they all speak in french but it’s an international agency. I understand what they say but I don’t know how to speak it. Although understandably the other intern has worked there longer, they always include her in things while i am not. Some days they act normal with me other days they leave me out in the cold but I just learned how to not care and keep my work life and social life separate.

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