
Coworkers get promotions when they quit but not me.

Put in my two week notice at work today and then headed to the airport for a week long vacation flight was cancelled so I’ve got two hours to kill. Few drinks deep at the airport bar and I’d like to vent a little if anyone cares to read. I’ve worked for my company for a year and a half. Been moved to three different teams because the managers wanted me on that team when they were struggling and specifically asked me to join their team. Even though I was brought on as a ringer and preformed very well, I’ve seen multiple coworkers get promotions over me. I’ve been told that because I changed teams I have to start at the bottom of the totem pole even though I’ve technically worked for the company longer than them, just not on that specific team. Well with the team I’m currently on…

Put in my two week notice at work today and then headed to the airport for a week long vacation flight was cancelled so I’ve got two hours to kill. Few drinks deep at the airport bar and I’d like to vent a little if anyone cares to read.

I’ve worked for my company for a year and a half. Been moved to three different teams because the managers wanted me on that team when they were struggling and specifically asked me to join their team. Even though I was brought on as a ringer and preformed very well, I’ve seen multiple coworkers get promotions over me. I’ve been told that because I changed teams I have to start at the bottom of the totem pole even though I’ve technically worked for the company longer than them, just not on that specific team.

Well with the team I’m currently on I’ve seen multiple people who put in their notice receive promotions in order to convince them to stay on. This happened today in fact and has left me very upset.

When I got in this morning a coworker asked me how I was doing and I explained I was anxious because I planned on submitting me two week notice. She said she was also submitting her notice today. I figured that would probably upset our manager (who I foolishly thought I was pretty good friends with) So I suggested she go first and if he’s pissed when I give my news at least he and I can probably talk it out.

At the end of the day she goes to talk to him and they spend 30 minutes outside talking. I figure he’s probably trying to convince her to stay. Which he should she’s a great team mate. When she came back in I asked her how it went and she says great. He’s offered her a promotion in order to stay. I tell them congrats that’s wonderful good for you.

When I go to speak to this same manager after and let him know that I’m also submitting my two weeks his response is a whole half assed “Ok”. No follow up. No questions. Just. O. K. Alright cool bye then I guess.

And y’all I hate to admit it but that just made me feel like shit. Completely replaceable garbagio. He’s sent me some half assed apologies via text that I was leaving on read. But once my flight was cancelled and I had a few drinks in me, I told him that I was upset by his reaction. And the difference in treatment between me and this coworker. He went on a rant about how I’m trying to “make him the bad guy”. And I just said, Ok.

Anyway that’s it. Work sucks. But we all know that.

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