
Coworkers make fun of me and it’s taking a toll on my selfesteen

I have been working at my job for almost a year now and I've noticed that whenever I say something or try to give out instructions to my coworkers (I am required to do if there is nothing else they can work) they will talk back or correct me over minuscule things then laugh it off as a joke. I'm trying to not react and defend myself but they won't stop. I don't know if I am over sensitive or doing something wrong, or if it is because I am a small younger woman but it's really annoying. I wish I could just make them stop.

I have been working at my job for almost a year now and I've noticed that whenever I say something or try to give out instructions to my coworkers (I am required to do if there is nothing else they can work) they will talk back or correct me over minuscule things then laugh it off as a joke.
I'm trying to not react and defend myself but they won't stop. I don't know if I am over sensitive or doing something wrong, or if it is because I am a small younger woman but it's really annoying.

I wish I could just make them stop.

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