
Credit scores are NOT REAL, and if even if they were, it wouldn’t matter anyways because we will NEVER be able to afford houses.

Credit scores are completely made up. Not as in, “it's an arbitrary process that was fabricated for stupid reasons.” I mean they don't exist. They are literally a myth, like the “permanent record” schoolteachers used to use to scare you into falling in line — it serves the exact same purpose, coercion through fear. First of all, let's get this part out of the way: Credit scores were invented in 1989. That's right, just a little over 30 years ago. By whom you might ask? FICO, some random fucking data analytics company in California. And what exactly did they do? Nothing! They didn't do anything, they're not a legal entity, there is no law codifying their existence, what they claim they do (again this is purely bullshit) is that they own a mysterious opaque algorithm that can analyze your transaction history (??? the IRS can't even fucking do that half-competently…

Credit scores are completely made up. Not as in, “it's an arbitrary process that was fabricated for stupid reasons.” I mean they don't exist. They are literally a myth, like the “permanent record” schoolteachers used to use to scare you into falling in line — it serves the exact same purpose, coercion through fear.

First of all, let's get this part out of the way: Credit scores were invented in 1989. That's right, just a little over 30 years ago. By whom you might ask? FICO, some random fucking data analytics company in California. And what exactly did they do? Nothing! They didn't do anything, they're not a legal entity, there is no law codifying their existence, what they claim they do (again this is purely bullshit) is that they own a mysterious opaque algorithm that can analyze your transaction history (??? the IRS can't even fucking do that half-competently and they get spoonfed all of your data directly from the NSA) that they promise is a totally real thing guys we swear. Oh you want to see it? It's proprietary and top secret and no you're not allowed to test it and why are you asking questions?

So that's the FICO score, and here's the thing, that's only one type of credit score. And it's not a fucking “type” of credit score, for all we know they make up a completely random number and write it in a database and say that it's yours because credit scores literally change randomly from check to check — I am serious. Your score can go down after you pay off a loan. The only way this is physically possible is if it's made up. But by “type” what I mean is there are other stupid dumbfuck random nobody analytics companies that are doing the same exact thing and for SOME reason we're supposed to worship and respect the word of these companies as if it's law even though they refuse to show us the algorithms they use to determine our scores. If you believe in credit scores, it's because the information is so opaque (by design!) that you have never questioned where they come from.

So what do you do with this information? Stop paying rent! Stop paying your loans! I'm SERIOUS, organize with other tenants in your apartment complex/alumni of your school and collectively just refuse to pay. They cannot do anything to you in retalation, there are too many of you, they physically do not have the resources to evict all of you and if you hold the line you will win the freedom they fucking owe you.

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