
Crying CEO selfies are all the rage on LinkedIn right now, but I don’t think they could handle the other side of it…

Title says most of it. CEOs are crying on LinkedIn, while still sitting comfortably in their position not having a single worry about their financial future. But the people on the opposite side of those “tears” are the ones hurting the most, and they can't post their own tearful selfies because that would be deemed “unprofessional.” And yet… Those are the faces that have to now swim amongst the sharks in today's job market. Those are the faces that will have to potentially wait weeks without knowing if they're getting ghosted or still in the running. Those are the faces that have to spend hours pouring over their resumes hoping to find the perfect combination to please both the algorithms and the humans behind them. Those are the faces that have to read job description after job description just to discover a company wants professional level employees at intern prices.…

Title says most of it. CEOs are crying on LinkedIn, while still sitting comfortably in their position not having a single worry about their financial future.

But the people on the opposite side of those “tears” are the ones hurting the most, and they can't post their own tearful selfies because that would be deemed “unprofessional.”

And yet…
Those are the faces that have to now swim amongst the sharks in today's job market.
Those are the faces that will have to potentially wait weeks without knowing if they're getting ghosted or still in the running.
Those are the faces that have to spend hours pouring over their resumes hoping to find the perfect combination to please both the algorithms and the humans behind them.
Those are the faces that have to read job description after job description just to discover a company wants professional level employees at intern prices.
Those are the faces that are going to have to spend gas driving to and from interviews, not knowing if their wasting a precious resource over another rejection.
Those are the faces who might have to tell their children that Christmas isn't coming this year because it's either that or keeping a roof over their head.
And lastly, those are the faces that have to pretend everything is fine for the sake of professionalism to appease the same type of people who put them in the position to begin with.

Layoffs are cruel.
Multi step interview processes that take months are cruel.
Ghosting is cruel.
Making candidates jump through hoops for your own amusement is cruel.
Giving office tours to show how “great the work environment is” when you already know you're going to reject them is cruel.
Poverty wages are cruel.

But sure… It's the CEOs who think they need sympathy.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. This post brought to you through the tears of being strung along for 5+ months, 8 interviews, 2 presentations, and a trip out of state all for a single company, only to be rejected over a week after they said they'd have an answer. I understand I may not be right for the job, but that many hoops is excessive, even for those who get the job. It's definitely my own fault for playing their game (I know exactly which step in the process was the breakdown, and it wasn't my qualifications), but when they promise the moon and you're already skipping dinner so the kids can have all of the things they need for the new school year it's really hard to resist the temptation.

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