
Current g.m. not happy. Pretty tame compared to most

Exactly what the title says. I've been an AGM for about a year now, was told I was going to become the g.m., 6 months and zero training they decide I'm not qualified, after literally throwing me in with said zero training. They hire the absolute DUMBEST MF. Like we're a sandwich shop bro you can't short us on bread, and expect us not to run out. Running out of lettuce, tomatos. Its really not hard to just do the prep while we're closed. I've done it for 6 months. It's almost impossible to do once we're open, with 20+ tickets. Have you ever went to say a subway or something and they didn't have bread? Exactly. That slice of yeasty deliciousness, is the building block of a damn SANDWICH SHOP. Anyways, legal issues aside, I decide f* it, I send some applications and get an interview, hired on the…

Exactly what the title says. I've been an AGM for about a year now, was told I was going to become the g.m., 6 months and zero training they decide I'm not qualified, after literally throwing me in with said zero training. They hire the absolute DUMBEST MF. Like we're a sandwich shop bro you can't short us on bread, and expect us not to run out. Running out of lettuce, tomatos. Its really not hard to just do the prep while we're closed. I've done it for 6 months. It's almost impossible to do once we're open, with 20+ tickets.

Have you ever went to say a subway or something and they didn't have bread? Exactly. That slice of yeasty deliciousness, is the building block of a damn SANDWICH SHOP. Anyways, legal issues aside, I decide f* it, I send some applications and get an interview, hired on the spot, background check passed, get my start date. Guess the position, that's right general manager and I'll be making literally 3x what I am now. I have been qualified for years but for personal reasons I never sought advancement, but when you bring in a drunken hillbilly (not joking, hillbilly is his term) then proceed to tell me this dude is a better worker than me and f* me on a promotion. That is why I left.

Back to the story. Put in my 2 weeks (I don't wanna f* my team over,) had an appointment have to reschedule, so my wonderful g.m. wants to throw a temper tantrum, “I can just drop my key off now,” his only response was we need a closing manager nonetheless. For background, in a year I've only been late once, with permission days before, and taken 2 days off. “Nonetheless” I'll be leaving my key in the safe. Go in late take care of my shift, run out of bread at 7, 2 hours early, clean the store, flip the cameras off and leave. Only thing that wasn't done was I didn't put the scoops and spatulas on the line…..I set them on the DRYING rack. Wake up as normal, weirdly happier than usual, and have 2 missed calls and a message stating “I don't know how one guy can fuck over a store so badly, don't (you) reapply here.”

They apparently had 2 people quit this a.m. and one albeit he was leaving at the end of April, he moved his quit date up to two weeks from now. Do not f* with an assistant g.m. we are the lynchpin between management and the team. WE are the ones handling day do day issues, we are the ones the employees are reporting to, bring their issues to, were the ones who take interest in the employees, extend a shoulder to cry on when your leaders grandpa died, or management screamed at a 16 year old. Were the ones paying for the thank you pizza parties and giving employees food who don't have enough, even with 50%off, because you think anyone can live off $11 an hour. Were the ones giving you Christmas cards and gift cards, because management is to cheap to even give you a free meal for christmas. Were the ones fighting with management because they deemed your bathroom break too long and clocks you out, or just decides not to pay you because they feel you didn't work hard enough. (True story).NOT THE FUCKING COMPANY. The teams are loyal to ME because I treat them like humans, not disposable trash. F* this sandwich shop in particular, my stress is better spent elsewhere.

Tl;Dr: I quit, store suck

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