
Customer rewarded with a bottle of wine after abusing my colleage

My colleage was just working his usual aisle and a customer approached him very aggresively asking him why the mango's had been moved. After my colleage pointed to them, he told him that certain items can sometimes be relocated to another shelf or another part of the aisle to better suit the layout of the store. The customer immediately became very aggresive and abusive, telling him that it was 'fucking stupid' to move items and that we do it to purposefully confuse customers. My colleage told him that it simply not true and to not be so abusive towards him. The customer then became enraged and told him he was a 'fucking r-word' and that he deserved to be fired for being such a terrible employee. After a few move abusive comments, my colleage simply said 'fuck this, fuck you.' And walked off and stood out the back to cool…

My colleage was just working his usual aisle and a customer approached him very aggresively asking him why the mango's had been moved. After my colleage pointed to them, he told him that certain items can sometimes be relocated to another shelf or another part of the aisle to better suit the layout of the store. The customer immediately became very aggresive and abusive, telling him that it was 'fucking stupid' to move items and that we do it to purposefully confuse customers. My colleage told him that it simply not true and to not be so abusive towards him. The customer then became enraged and told him he was a 'fucking r-word' and that he deserved to be fired for being such a terrible employee. After a few move abusive comments, my colleage simply said 'fuck this, fuck you.' And walked off and stood out the back to cool off for a few minutes. My store manager found him and told him he needed to apologize to the customer because he said 'fuck this, fuck you.' And he agreed hoping to settle the argument like a grown up. Almost immediately the customer began telling him that he was a disgusting person and that he expected different from someone who works in customer services. Again my colleage just sighed and said “Oh fuck off.” And walked off. My store manager apologized to the customer and awarded him an expensive bottle of wine as an apology. My colleage has to have a meeting to discuss his future at the store.

To the person who was abusive toward my friend. Fuck this and fuck you. Arsehole.

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