
Customers are just as bad

The employers, bosses and CEOS get a lot of the hate I get it. But customers are just as bad. Entitled, demanding and thinking we should provide them service instantly. A customer called today asking for someone and I explained he is out today and will be back Monday. She sighs and says how he is never there oh my god this unbelievable. He is here all the time. Sorry you are unaware people are allowed to take days off from work.

The employers, bosses and CEOS get a lot of the hate I get it. But customers are just as bad. Entitled, demanding and thinking we should provide them service instantly. A customer called today asking for someone and I explained he is out today and will be back Monday. She sighs and says how he is never there oh my god this unbelievable. He is here all the time. Sorry you are unaware people are allowed to take days off from work.

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