
Cut my previous employers install crews in half in one day.

TLDR; Quit my job after getting fucked by them for awhile and had a manic episode so I quit the new one too. So for the last 8 months I've absolutely hated my job. They let someone with 20+ years of experience in a niche industry walk. We've been running bare bones since that happened and are continuously told that we're all replaceable, compared to the incompetent supervisor. At the beginning of June they started cutting us back to 4 days a week and cut out jobs per day from 4 or 5 to 1 or 2, which killed my paycheck. The weekend of 4th of July they cut us to 3 days a week 2 jobs per day with Friday off before the 4th. The guy that I was paired with to work is one of my highschool best friends so we talk a lot outside of work. We…

TLDR; Quit my job after getting fucked by them for awhile and had a manic episode so I quit the new one too.

So for the last 8 months I've absolutely hated my job. They let someone with 20+ years of experience in a niche industry walk. We've been running bare bones since that happened and are continuously told that we're all replaceable, compared to the incompetent supervisor. At the beginning of June they started cutting us back to 4 days a week and cut out jobs per day from 4 or 5 to 1 or 2, which killed my paycheck. The weekend of 4th of July they cut us to 3 days a week 2 jobs per day with Friday off before the 4th. The guy that I was paired with to work is one of my highschool best friends so we talk a lot outside of work. We both decided in February that we wanted to find jobs at the same time to quit and fuck them over in return for all the fucking they've done to us to that point. Well jump to two weeks ago, he got offered a good job at a commerical roofing company and I got a decent offer at a pipe repair company. We both decided that we weren't returning on July 5th. He showed up to drop off his meters and a few tools and I just flat out didn't show back up. When we get fucked, we fuck back. Three people have followed our lead and put their 2 weeks in or have just flat out quit on the spot. He started his new job and I had a manic break and have been out of work for 2 weeks. I showed up at the new job Tuesday morning, had a major breakdown and left before anyone saw me. Needless to say this has been the longest 2 weeks of my life, wondering how I'm paying bills, feeding my kids and animals, letting my wife down and having an episode for the first time in 2 years has been so shitty. I got a call last night and they're offering me a job at $20+/HR to work with him and learn the industry. I was about to go to a factory and work 12 hour shifts doing blown plastic for $15/HR. I've always said people are one slip up away from homelessness and I finally found myself in that spot. The shitty part is I enjoyed the job I quit originally. If you would've asked me 6 month into the job how I liked it, I would've told you I was thrilled to go to work everyday and loved it.

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