
Cut off points for payroll

I’m in the uk for context I just started a new job and I expected to get paid yesterday for the months work I have done . Turns out because of the date I started (25 April) I don’t get paid for any of the work I’ve done for May, until the end of June. so I basically am working two months before I get paid due to a cut off point in the payroll system. I’ve literally never head of anything like this before and also any overtime I work for June I won’t get paid till end of august . It’s so shit as I have no pay for my bills in June and I didn’t even realise this would happen. I’m so sick of the feeling like the world is constantly screwing me

I’m in the uk for context

I just started a new job and I expected to get paid yesterday for the months work I have done . Turns out because of the date I started (25 April) I don’t get paid for any of the work I’ve done for May, until the end of June. so I basically am working two months before I get paid due to a cut off point in the payroll system. I’ve literally never head of anything like this before and also any overtime I work for June I won’t get paid till end of august . It’s so shit as I have no pay for my bills in June and I didn’t even realise this would happen.
I’m so sick of the feeling like the world is constantly screwing me

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