
D A E feel the urge to subtly talk up unions when they’re waiting in line at McStarburgermartazon?

It’s a huge risk for people to start talking about these things when they’re employed at union-busting human-mills. I know when I worked at some of the places, I didn’t even let myself think about trying to change things. If workers are overhearing labor rights being talked about positively just sorta ”randomly” by a customer to his buddy, it could plant seeds. A lot of people have misconceptions about unions and it’s kind of taboo to expect more for ourselves when working for the really low-paying labor exploiters. I think it’s good for non-billionaire Americans to create an atmosphere where we are comfortable talking about how much we’re getting paid, how are being treated, what are benefits get, and how much we deserve. We seem to stop it complaining though. We need to be able to imagine doing what it takes to get what we we seem to stop it…

It’s a huge risk for people to start talking about these things when they’re employed at union-busting human-mills. I know when I worked at some of the places, I didn’t even let myself think about trying to change things. If workers are overhearing labor rights being talked about positively just sorta ”randomly” by a customer to his buddy, it could plant seeds. A lot of people have misconceptions about unions and it’s kind of taboo to expect more for ourselves when working for the really low-paying labor exploiters. I think it’s good for non-billionaire Americans to create an atmosphere where we are comfortable talking about how much we’re getting paid, how are being treated, what are benefits get, and how much we deserve. We seem to stop it complaining though. We need to be able to imagine doing what it takes to get what we we seem to stop it complaining though. We need to be able to imagine doing what it takes to get what we deserve. I’d like to normalize the idea of ALL workers standing up for ourselves. I believe the people serving me deserve a better life—the American Dream! There’s no class of Americans that doesn’t deserve it!

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