
Dad quit his job last week!

Last Monday my dad walked into work, took a look at his boss, and just decided he couldn't do it anymore and walked out. Background: He had been working since he was 12 years old (he's 42) to pay for his family as a kid, then as an adult for me and my brother. The only time off he ever got was for emergencies and still he would bust his ass to get back asap. I told him years ago he was gonna burn out but he didn't want to hear it. Now: That's exactly what happened, he burned out. He was a construction worker and the best in his field in our entire state (was projected to make 200k this year). He pulled in over a million dollars for this company and just wanted the weekends to himself and family, but the manager told him no and worked him…

Last Monday my dad walked into work, took a look at his boss, and just decided he couldn't do it anymore and walked out.
Background: He had been working since he was 12 years old (he's 42) to pay for his family as a kid, then as an adult for me and my brother. The only time off he ever got was for emergencies and still he would bust his ass to get back asap. I told him years ago he was gonna burn out but he didn't want to hear it.
Now: That's exactly what happened, he burned out. He was a construction worker and the best in his field in our entire state (was projected to make 200k this year). He pulled in over a million dollars for this company and just wanted the weekends to himself and family, but the manager told him no and worked him to the bone so he quit.
The higher ups know his worth, called, told him to take a few months off and to come up with whatever terms he needed to come back and he said he'd consider it. He also got another offer at another place to work at $40/hr rather than commission. He says he's gonna take a year off just to get his mind back together and then see where he wants to go, and honestly…I'm so proud of him.
He feels guilty because 'he's never given up in his life', but I told him he didn't give up. He tried so hard for SO long, he told them over and over that he was sick of it but they didn't listen so he had every right to draw a line in the sand and say enough. Our relationship has never been a close one but its stronger than ever, simply because he's taken the time to take care of himself and be vulnerable with his family.

The work until you drop mentality can severely damage your relationships and your life. Don't sacrifice your happiness to line some CEOs pocket when they would replace you the moment you drop dead. My dad learned this at 42, and he seems happier than I've ever known him to be.

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