
DAE boss notice mistakes that they approved much later and try to put all of the blame on you?

I feel like I’m going nuts. My boss has been more nasty in general lately so I try not to take it personal but this has really bothered me. She will regularly find things where I had made a mistake but she approved or signed off on and instead of saying “You made a mistake but I didn’t catch it or I approved it” it’s always all my fault and there’s never any acknowledgement of both of us making a mistake and she doesn’t hold herself to the same standard as me. Lately I’ve been really stressed out. My father is dying and I just moved in and bought a new house. My boss knows both of these things yet still hasn’t cut me much slack. I acknowledge my mistakes but it’s started to become about small mistakes and anything in general she can use. I just wish she would…

I feel like I’m going nuts. My boss has been more nasty in general lately so I try not to take it personal but this has really bothered me. She will regularly find things where I had made a mistake but she approved or signed off on and instead of saying “You made a mistake but I didn’t catch it or I approved it” it’s always all my fault and there’s never any acknowledgement of both of us making a mistake and she doesn’t hold herself to the same standard as me.

Lately I’ve been really stressed out. My father is dying and I just moved in and bought a new house. My boss knows both of these things yet still hasn’t cut me much slack. I acknowledge my mistakes but it’s started to become about small mistakes and anything in general she can use. I just wish she would acknowledge once in awhile it’s not just me. It almost feels like gaslighting. Has anyone else had this?

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