
Daily reminder that SLOVENIA, a country with a GDP of $46 billion, an economy x425 smaller than the USA has unlimited time off from work FOR WORKERS paid at 80% of salary , illness related = 100% Meanwhile America 25% of the workforce (42 million workers) have no paid sick leave…at all

Did you also know in the US paternity leave is UNPAID with stupid work requirements attached while Slovenia automatically offers new fathers 30 calendar days of paid paternity leave.  Pay is based on the average earnings over the previous 12 months, however, is capped at 2.5x average monthly salary in Slovenia (currently 3,664.31 EUR). ​ So a ex-soviet second world country that is mostly irrelevant can offer that but “the greatest country in the world” offers nada. Bo0TsTraPs need TIGHTENED!

Did you also know in the US paternity leave is UNPAID with stupid work requirements attached while Slovenia automatically offers new fathers 30 calendar days of paid paternity leave.  Pay is based on the average earnings over the previous 12 months, however, is capped at 2.5x average monthly salary in Slovenia (currently 3,664.31 EUR).

So a ex-soviet second world country that is mostly irrelevant can offer that but “the greatest country in the world” offers nada. Bo0TsTraPs need TIGHTENED!

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