
Daycare boss refuses to deal with abuse

Location: QLD Australia My partner works at a daycare center. Age of children are from newborns to 5y/o. Recently my partner has had issues with a child that acts out. It is understandable that this child has problems as the child is at daycare from the moment the center opens in the morning, to when the center closes at night. 5 days a week. But the child doesnt just misbehave. This child has the tendency to physically hit people. The child will just casually walk past another person (children AND educators) and rip their hair out, slam them into furniture, punch, kick, throw chairs at them. Basically this child has serious issues that needs to be addressed, and needs help. The child has been kicked out (or “expelled” if that is a term you would use for that environment) of multiple daycare centers for similar problems. As mentioned, the child…

Location: QLD Australia

My partner works at a daycare center. Age of children are from newborns to 5y/o. Recently my partner has had issues with a child that acts out. It is understandable that this child has problems as the child is at daycare from the moment the center opens in the morning, to when the center closes at night. 5 days a week.

But the child doesnt just misbehave. This child has the tendency to physically hit people. The child will just casually walk past another person (children AND educators) and rip their hair out, slam them into furniture, punch, kick, throw chairs at them. Basically this child has serious issues that needs to be addressed, and needs help.

The child has been kicked out (or “expelled” if that is a term you would use for that environment) of multiple daycare centers for similar problems. As mentioned, the child needs help. Not just to improve the behaviour, but also for the safety of the children and staff of the center.

Today my partner was badly hurt by this child. She was left alone to watch 15 kids and got badly hurt. My partner came home and i saw the outcome, which resulted in me taking her to the hospital.

My partner has written an incident report for every occasion that this child has done the bad (as is required for the job), but her boss keeps telling her to rip it up and put it in the bin. Why? Because the boss doesnt want to deal with the parents. The boss even said to my partner that it was her own fault, that it is just a child and to get over it.

I feel like the boss is just trying to sweep it under the rug. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that the childrens (and staffs) safety from the problem child should be the centers priority. Legal reprimand of the boss makes a close third priority.


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