
Dealing with anger

I’m so sick of dealing with other people’s anger, which seems to be half of the responsibility of every job. My boss gave me a scolding because I missed a meeting. Third time in a month. I told him I would catch up on the notes but that wasn’t enough, he doesn’t care about the material; his main worry is that I’m not “grinding” or “giving 110%” while my coworkers are. Why can’t someone be angry at me for a valid reason for once? I took your land. I spit in your mom’s face. I scratched your car. Instead I have some business major mad at me because I miss a meeting, or input some data the wrong way. Yeah buddy, I’m not good at this job. Fire me or keep it moving. At this point, I should go back to service or retail—at least I got paid more for…

I’m so sick of dealing with other people’s anger, which seems to be half of the responsibility of every job. My boss gave me a scolding because I missed a meeting. Third time in a month. I told him I would catch up on the notes but that wasn’t enough, he doesn’t care about the material; his main worry is that I’m not “grinding” or “giving 110%” while my coworkers are.

Why can’t someone be angry at me for a valid reason for once? I took your land. I spit in your mom’s face. I scratched your car. Instead I have some business major mad at me because I miss a meeting, or input some data the wrong way. Yeah buddy, I’m not good at this job. Fire me or keep it moving. At this point, I should go back to service or retail—at least I got paid more for sucking up to someone.

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