
Dealing with disrespectful coworkers

Anyone ever have that one coworker that for some reason has a problem with you, and you simply can’t figure out why? You treat them with respect, and they simply treat you like trash? Well that’s the situation I’m in. I work as a service writer for a Ford dealership. I get along with all the the technicians at my job….except one. He’s more or leas my age, but the kid is taller than me. I’m a very timid guy, so yea I’ll admit, he intimidates me, but I don’t let him notice. He’ll be laughing, joking around with the other technicians, and when I come around he does a complete 180. Don’t know what his problem his. He always makes me ask customers for “more information”. I know I’d have a problem if all the other techs asked me that, but that’s always an issue with him. Today, he…

Anyone ever have that one coworker that for some reason has a problem with you, and you simply can’t figure out why? You treat them with respect, and they simply treat you like trash?

Well that’s the situation I’m in. I work as a service writer for a Ford dealership. I get along with all the the technicians at my job….except one. He’s more or leas my age, but the kid is taller than me. I’m a very timid guy, so yea I’ll admit, he intimidates me, but I don’t let him notice.

He’ll be laughing, joking around with the other technicians, and when I come around he does a complete 180. Don’t know what his problem his. He always makes me ask customers for “more information”. I know I’d have a problem if all the other techs asked me that, but that’s always an issue with him. Today, he asked me to call the shop that previously worked on a vehicle. I called them, and when I told him what they told me, he straight up lost it and yelled at me in front of another tech, stating that I “suck at my job”.

That’s when I almost lost it. I thought about snapping back with “I’m not the one that sucks at his job because I know how to do it, and clearly you don’t if you’re always wanting me to basically ask the customers to diagnose their own cars.”

But I kept my cool. Had to be the bigger man. I’ve been wanting to leave this job anyway, so I might use this incident as an excuse to do so.

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