
Dear American Workers, make big Unions Happen

Hello my cuties ! I hope you have a great Day ! Its my First Time Posting here, i usualy am just reading throught all the Posts here, but recently i saw a Post about a Woman getting Fired here becuse she was expecting. Something if it would happen here in Europe, specifly in Germany, our Unions would fist him so hard th Fist would come out of his Mouth. Please, the faster you make your Unions, and keep it as close to Unions in Europe, many of the Posts here, would have been handled by the Unions to make many Worker lives here a lot Happier, becuse Unions arent just there to Demonstrate for Higher Wages, they are there to Pay your Lawyer when your Employer thinks he can take away your Breaks, or call you at 3 am in the Morning to tell you that you have to…

Hello my cuties !

I hope you have a great Day !

Its my First Time Posting here, i usualy am just reading throught all the Posts here, but recently i saw a Post about a Woman getting Fired here becuse she was expecting. Something if it would happen here in Europe, specifly in Germany, our Unions would fist him so hard th Fist would come out of his Mouth.

Please, the faster you make your Unions, and keep it as close to Unions in Europe, many of the Posts here, would have been handled by the Unions to make many Worker lives here a lot Happier, becuse Unions arent just there to Demonstrate for Higher Wages, they are there to Pay your Lawyer when your Employer thinks he can take away your Breaks, or call you at 3 am in the Morning to tell you that you have to work at 7 am or else you are Fired.

Unions can do a lot for you. And the best thing would be if all of America would have 1 Big Union for Job Categories, to improve your Working Conditons so much that we have not so many Awaful Empoyees anymore. Becucse in the End, we want a Job, where you get Paid for the Work you do Fairly.

So go out, make sure to Support any and All Unions you can find ! Becuse all of you Deserve the same Protections we have here Europe already !

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