
Dear Boss…

Dear Boss, Thank you for telling your own boss that I had “graciously accepted” additional work when you presented it to me as though I didn't have the option to say no. Especially thank you, since we've had countless conversations about how this type of work was not related to the original job I'd been hired to do. Time and time again we have discussed that it was not work I intended to do and that it was interfering with my ability to advance in the work I was interested in. For a brief while, it seemed like you might have relented somewhat and allowed me more time to do the job I'd come to the organization to do. My depression had lifted, and I became more productive than I had been in quite a while. But I also started to feel guilty about the times I hadn't worked as…

Dear Boss,

Thank you for telling your own boss that I had “graciously accepted” additional work when you presented it to me as though I didn't have the option to say no. Especially thank you, since we've had countless conversations about how this type of work was not related to the original job I'd been hired to do. Time and time again we have discussed that it was not work I intended to do and that it was interfering with my ability to advance in the work I was interested in.

For a brief while, it seemed like you might have relented somewhat and allowed me more time to do the job I'd come to the organization to do. My depression had lifted, and I became more productive than I had been in quite a while. But I also started to feel guilty about the times I hadn't worked as hard.

Today you are telling people I'm available to pick up even more of the work I explicitly said I wouldn't do. So I will look on the bright side. I can do the minimum amount of work I can get away with, scroll Reddit the rest of the time, and not experience any guilt pangs at all for it. So thank you for that.


An Emotionally Burnout Employee

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