
Dear Employers, Let Them Stay Home.

Dear Employers, It seems you got your way this Monday. Everybody came back to the office. As an employee who worked every day for the entire almost three years, I must beg you; keep them home. Two points: 1. They forgot how to do this thing called work. They're useless. As it turns out, we “steady state” workers figured out how to do all of this without them. We don't want them. We don't need them. 2. They forgot how to drive. I haven't seen traffic this thick for three years. There were more accidents yesterday and today, again, than I've seen in three years. They made an absolute cock-up of everything. It's only Tuesday evening and I'm already sick of them. Use them in their “home offices” or don't. I don't care. But for God's sake take them back. We were doing just fine without them.

Dear Employers,
It seems you got your way this Monday. Everybody came back to the office.
As an employee who worked every day for the entire almost three years, I must beg you; keep them home.
Two points:
1. They forgot how to do this thing called work. They're useless. As it turns out, we “steady state” workers figured out how to do all of this without them. We don't want them. We don't need them.
2. They forgot how to drive. I haven't seen traffic this thick for three years. There were more accidents yesterday and today, again, than I've seen in three years.
They made an absolute cock-up of everything. It's only Tuesday evening and I'm already sick of them.
Use them in their “home offices” or don't. I don't care. But for God's sake take them back. We were doing just fine without them.

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