
Death of a loved one = non-committal

So as the title goes, my 1-year evaluation comes up (which is really my two year since I came back to work for the company after they laid me off because of COVID), and I'd been struggling a bit with my attendance dealing with my personal shit. Don't want to bring it to work, so I'd occasionally call out. I was written up for being honest and telling my boss “it's getting to me and I don't want to bring everybody down,” instead of feeding him the same “calling out sick” bullshit that we're all guilty of. But anywho, so he sits me down for my evaluation, which conveniently timed well with my write-up, so he said he was going to write me up, which I agreed to and took no issue with at the time. He then told me “my boss would laugh at me if I asked him…

So as the title goes, my 1-year evaluation comes up (which is really my two year since I came back to work for the company after they laid me off because of COVID), and I'd been struggling a bit with my attendance dealing with my personal shit. Don't want to bring it to work, so I'd occasionally call out. I was written up for being honest and telling my boss “it's getting to me and I don't want to bring everybody down,” instead of feeding him the same “calling out sick” bullshit that we're all guilty of.

But anywho, so he sits me down for my evaluation, which conveniently timed well with my write-up, so he said he was going to write me up, which I agreed to and took no issue with at the time. He then told me “my boss would laugh at me if I asked him to bump your pay, because you just don't seem committed.” It should also be noted that my job is to drive deliveries; but, dealing with what im dealing with means that no matter how much sleep I get, I still get exhausted and I start to shut down behind the wheel. This went on just about daily for the whole year, I'd put myself and others on the road in danger because it was my job to do the tasks assigned to me. So already I'm kinda passed off, seeing as I'm being called non-committal because of a shaky attendance, despite him knowing exactly why I call out, and putting myself in extreme danger on the days that I'm actually there – not to mention also that I came back to that company after they laid me off for something I had no responsibility for. Non-comittal? Lol, no raise? Fuck you but alright.

But he goes on: he tells me that because the store is understaffed, he's also going to give me a till and money to sell inventory inside the store on top of making deliveries after he'd just told me that I wasn't getting a raise. So, he gave someone who he considers uncommitted extra responsibilities, but nothing more wage-wise to show for it.

Tl;Dr poorly dealing with the death of a parent, so subpar attendance, to which my boss calls me non-committal, despite putting myself in danger on a near-daily basis for them AFTER deciding to come back to work for them after they laid me off because of COVID, uses that classification as justification for refusing to give me any sort of raise at all, and then promptly gives me more responsibility than anybody else has at my level because of understaffing while keeping me at the same wage that I've been at for two years.

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