
Demeaning micromanager gave me the “loose lips sinks ships” lecture over including project manager on email

What the title says. She wants me to CC her on every email, slack message (lol) and phone call (lol yes she told me this) Also stated that what we do is confidential and shouldn’t be shared with other members of the company, even if they are directly involved with the project. Her reasoning “office politics” She also told me that in five years she will “pay me $100” if I don’t thank her for her advice by then! Mind you, this was all over asking for a discount from an inquiry email. I’m at a loss for words. Feels like I’m being pranked. Lol

What the title says. She wants me to CC her on every email, slack message (lol) and phone call (lol yes she told me this)

Also stated that what we do is confidential and shouldn’t be shared with other members of the company, even if they are directly involved with the project. Her reasoning “office politics”

She also told me that in five years she will “pay me $100” if I don’t thank her for her advice by then!

Mind you, this was all over asking for a discount from an inquiry email.

I’m at a loss for words. Feels like I’m being pranked. Lol

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