
Demoted to being Micromanaged

Would love any recommendations from people that have experienced something similar. My company went through a re-org and I have now been demoted twice (once from people leader and now to being buried in the organizational hierarchy). Now my new manager is micromanaging me – add me to this call, set up a call for us to discuss, send me a list of this information. Prior to this happening I was receiving awards and recognition for my work in the org. I am so angry now it’s making me not want to perform. Any advice?

Would love any recommendations from people that have experienced something similar. My company went through a re-org and I have now been demoted twice (once from people leader and now to being buried in the organizational hierarchy). Now my new manager is micromanaging me – add me to this call, set up a call for us to discuss, send me a list of this information. Prior to this happening I was receiving awards and recognition for my work in the org. I am so angry now it’s making me not want to perform. Any advice?

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