

I (new grad) got my first job offer two weeks ago, accepted it, and was supposed to start on monday. I got a call today saying that the company is over budget and is now on a hiring freeze… so my job is now poof. I havent been interviewing for 3 weeks because of this offer and I was interviewing at another job (which also called to say they pass today). I’m back to square one. I’m devastated. Crushed. Defeated. Just when I thought I had it, it’s gone. I’m left with nothing except upcoming rent and no money.

I (new grad) got my first job offer two weeks ago, accepted it, and was supposed to start on monday. I got a call today saying that the company is over budget and is now on a hiring freeze… so my job is now poof. I havent been interviewing for 3 weeks because of this offer and I was interviewing at another job (which also called to say they pass today). I’m back to square one. I’m devastated. Crushed. Defeated. Just when I thought I had it, it’s gone. I’m left with nothing except upcoming rent and no money.

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