
Diary of a Union Leader

First off, I am going to be as vague as I can be for the protection of my union and my job. This is about my employer's director of Human Resources. From April 2021 through February 2022, this individual engaged in unethical and unprofessional conduct with myself and other employees. They engaged in threats of retaliation. They harassed, bullied, and talked incredibly disrespectfully to myself and other employees, and other union representatives. I documented all of this over a span of months, debating constantly with myself if I should file a report with the employer's ethics line. The debate I was having was possibly exposing myself as the anonymous source of these complaints to the director of HR, who would more than likely make it as hard as possible for me to work with them and the employer to resolve contractual disputes, grievances, and overall issues from our membership. Making…

First off, I am going to be as vague as I can be for the protection of my union and my job.

This is about my employer's director of Human Resources. From April 2021 through February 2022, this individual engaged in unethical and unprofessional conduct with myself and other employees. They engaged in threats of retaliation. They harassed, bullied, and talked incredibly disrespectfully to myself and other employees, and other union representatives. I documented all of this over a span of months, debating constantly with myself if I should file a report with the employer's ethics line. The debate I was having was possibly exposing myself as the anonymous source of these complaints to the director of HR, who would more than likely make it as hard as possible for me to work with them and the employer to resolve contractual disputes, grievances, and overall issues from our membership. Making it more difficult to do my job as a union leader negatively impacts my membership even moreso than what the HR director has been doing, so I chose to not report until March 2022. I filed a 4 page, back to back, incidents report with one of the leaders of the ethics division at my employer. After three months of investigation (which was done by a third party outside investigation firm per the request of ethics leaders), it came to a close and I was told that some employer rule violations were found and action was going to be taken. However, this HR director is still in their capacity, still operating as they usually do (granted, they have throttled back their usual demeanor of disrespect and unprofessionalism) and a integral part of Union-Company relations.

Not to mention, the amount of stress, anxiety, and hardship this individual has caused me as a union leader has affected my mental health drastically, to the point where I have protected FMLA intermittent leave – something I've never done until this year in my entire working life.

I guess.. I don't know what to do. I have obligations I need to complete as a union leader before I can effectively resign my position, because I can't continue to subject myself to this and to their style of running HR and how they operate. I lose sleep over this. I dread going to into work everyday. Every time I come back from a long weekend or a vacation, I want to immediately quit without notice. And the messed up part, my employer knows pretty much everything that has gone down with this individiual and nothing was actually done that would have been meaningful. If that was a worker, or just a supervisor, they would have been gone months ago considering some of the things this HR director has done. I just feel so defeated and lost. And I know me giving up on being in this position (which will happen eventually probably by the end of this year, unless the director is actually removed from his position) is letting down my union and myself, because I do a good job and I think I am a good and fair union rep, I just can't anymore. At least if I resign this position, I can go back to my normal position for awhile and try to find a job somewhere else entirely, because how can I even subject myself to work for my employer who has made it clear that this behavior can be tolerated to any degree?

Anyway, thanks for reading. If this is not appropraite for this sub, I apologize and please feel free to take this down. I love being in a union, I love being of service to my membership, but there is only so much a person can take.

TL;DR: my employer investigated the director of Human Resources due to my ethics complaint, found violations, has done virtually nothing so far, and now I’m probably going to resign my union position

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