
did a paid training

And almost instantly, was surrounded in bullshit. My direct report was talking how shed been working there since day one of graduation 7 years ago with zero vacation days, how she had no friends, just the job. Saying it like it was the goal, or something. Zero communication about time expectations, so when I show up I don't know how long I'll be there. Then pressure me to work longer than I'm comfortable or had planned for. Instead of being shown how to do the work I was being hired to do, I spend the entire time, multiple days, doing one specialized project. Plus, they're paying me out of petty cash, so they don't have to pay taxes on my labor. Cherry on top, as soon as I push back and ask to see some proper documentation on the jobs benefits, pay, healthcare( which I was informed they paid “half”,…

And almost instantly, was surrounded in bullshit. My direct report was talking how shed been working there since day one of graduation 7 years ago with zero vacation days, how she had no friends, just the job. Saying it like it was the goal, or something.

Zero communication about time expectations, so when I show up I don't know how long I'll be there. Then pressure me to work longer than I'm comfortable or had planned for. Instead of being shown how to do the work I was being hired to do, I spend the entire time, multiple days, doing one specialized project.

Plus, they're paying me out of petty cash, so they don't have to pay taxes on my labor.

Cherry on top, as soon as I push back and ask to see some proper documentation on the jobs benefits, pay, healthcare( which I was informed they paid “half”, but with no further clarification), vacation and sick days, they say they will send it along that day. Instead, they tell me that they've decided to go a different direction.

And honestly, good riddance.

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