
Did Amazon ever get into any real trouble from keeping people working in a warehouse in Illinois as it got hit by a tornado?

I remember late last year, Amazon blatantly displayed their lack of care for human life as workers were kept inside and working in a warehouse in Edwardsville, IL during a tornado. A decision that would cost the lives of 6 people and see many others injured as the warehouse was nearly completely destroyed. I saw reports from engineers saying that it seemed support columns weren't welded or bolted to the ground at all, leading to them being easily lifted right out of the ground by the EF-3 tornado. Amazon failed on so many fronts here, and since then I've heard… absolutely nothing. The most recent articles I found from a quick Google search were from April this year, a couple siting an OSHA investigation that was expected to be completed in June. I know government orgs often see delays, but I can't find any info on a final report or…

I remember late last year, Amazon blatantly displayed their lack of care for human life as workers were kept inside and working in a warehouse in Edwardsville, IL during a tornado. A decision that would cost the lives of 6 people and see many others injured as the warehouse was nearly completely destroyed. I saw reports from engineers saying that it seemed support columns weren't welded or bolted to the ground at all, leading to them being easily lifted right out of the ground by the EF-3 tornado.

Amazon failed on so many fronts here, and since then I've heard… absolutely nothing. The most recent articles I found from a quick Google search were from April this year, a couple siting an OSHA investigation that was expected to be completed in June. I know government orgs often see delays, but I can't find any info on a final report or a delay to a report.

Taking an extra moment to narrow search results finds articles reporting Amazon is obstructing the investigations, attempted co-operations with Amazon resulting in no response. But no one is really talking about it, Amazon is wasting time, news publications aren't reporting on it as much, and people like us aren't paying attention to the ones that do. Did Amazon really get away with barely even a slap on the wrist for murdering 6 people? Or is there still hope for punishment?

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