
Did I just blow my chances?

I'm a recent grad as of June and I interviewed for a position and company that I felt so passionate about. Like literally it felt like the stars aligned, this was a perfect fit for me. I got through to the second round and then got the call from HR that I got the job. Very exciting. He explained that they were very impressed with my writing samples, that they had adjusted the position for me to include further training and were planning to email me the job offer so I could review and accept. It was then he told me that they wanted me to start next week and asked me about my availability for the first time in this whole interview process. I said I was actually about to leave to go overseas with a family member and would be back next month. I was hoping for a…

I'm a recent grad as of June and I interviewed for a position and company that I felt so passionate about. Like literally it felt like the stars aligned, this was a perfect fit for me. I got through to the second round and then got the call from HR that I got the job. Very exciting.

He explained that they were very impressed with my writing samples, that they had adjusted the position for me to include further training and were planning to email me the job offer so I could review and accept.

It was then he told me that they wanted me to start next week and asked me about my availability for the first time in this whole interview process. I said I was actually about to leave to go overseas with a family member and would be back next month. I was hoping for a delayed start date but said If they needed I would be happy to complete small tasks remotely while I was away, just that I wouldn't be able to work a full work day.

He said he would need to consult the manager of the department I would work under and would get back to me the next day.

Waited by the phone all day and got nothing, come today it's around 4pm, still nothing. They're offering it to another candidate, right?

Did I just royally fuck this up?

What's worse is that I had such a bad feeling about this vacation from the start. Like literally everything in my gut was telling me not to go, but my family were very pushy. My Nonna needs to go back to Italy and needed someone to help her with travel. No one else in my family could go and I am basically unemployed with a casual job. I have a great relationship with my grandma and feel like this would be a valuable experience to share with her. But, not to sound ungrateful, I was never really given a choice and was roped into this. I felt very uncomfortable about having to put my life and career on pause basically. After graduating I travelled for a month, and was so excited to get home and move on with my life by getting a full-time job. I decided to apply for jobs in August anyway, in case I could land something for when I got back home, and now I've probably just lost the best opportunity I could have ever hoped for. This feels like a major setback for me.

I'm currently interviewing with other companies as well, but I feel less confident about how they went. This one was really my first choice.

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