
Did my boss just try throwing me under the bus?

My senior manager was covering down for another manager who had to take care of something else. I decided to support him before going on lunch because I knew that if I did not, it would have failed. The employees that we have are new and they miss a lot of days so they did not really understand how to do the tasks at hand. Which is fine, I’m just glad they are here helping. They made a few mistakes and my boss told me something to the effect of “this happened on your watch and you could be accountable for this”. I thought to myself, I should’ve just taken my lunch and let the customer not get their stuff on time lol. I’m not mad, because I’m trying to quit ASAP. This is the highest paying job I’ve ever had but they toxicity is not worth it. I can…

My senior manager was covering down for another manager who had to take care of something else. I decided to support him before going on lunch because I knew that if I did not, it would have failed.

The employees that we have are new and they miss a lot of days so they did not really understand how to do the tasks at hand. Which is fine, I’m just glad they are here helping. They made a few mistakes and my boss told me something to the effect of “this happened on your watch and you could be accountable for this”. I thought to myself, I should’ve just taken my lunch and let the customer not get their stuff on time lol.

I’m not mad, because I’m trying to quit ASAP. This is the highest paying job I’ve ever had but they toxicity is not worth it. I can go make $80k and be miserable somewhere else.

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