
Did not get a single dollar raise. Not even to match the inflation.

I have been working at this company for over a year now. I am baffled at the fact that they did not increase my paycheck by a single dollar. Not even to match inflation. On top of that they want me to start going back to the office eventhough gas prices are, as you all know, at an all time high. That is essentially like a pay decrease. I was never the most productive employee but I did do my part and put in an efford during deadlines or when needed. My motivation to even try has completely vanished.

I have been working at this company for over a year now. I am baffled at the fact that they did not increase my paycheck by a single dollar. Not even to match inflation. On top of that they want me to start going back to the office eventhough gas prices are, as you all know, at an all time high. That is essentially like a pay decrease.

I was never the most productive employee but I did do my part and put in an efford during deadlines or when needed. My motivation to even try has completely vanished.

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